Friday, August 21, 2009

Is norton antivirus 2005 part of McAFEE ?

ok like if i have norton antivirus 2005 do i need mcafee? do they work together? do i need mcafee ?

Is norton antivirus 2005 part of McAFEE ?anti virus protection

Norton is from Symantec and McAfee is a different company.

Only have one antivirus program and one firewall installed on your computer.

Anti-adware/malware/spyware are ok to have more off.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is norton antivirus 2005 part of McAFEE ?antivirus

no norton and mcafee is 2 totaly dirferent companys the only thing you may need with norton anti-virus and anti-spyware company there is a free one though you can gte heres a link for it

no you do not need mcafee to go along with norton they will conflict with eachother

the link is a free anti-spyware. its really good its called spybot search and destroy

hope this helped

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