Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What do you do with Norton Antivirus Software 2005? Throw it away?

I've replaced it, but I hate to throw anything away that can be recycled in some way. Any ideas?

What do you do with Norton Antivirus Software 2005? Throw it away?live update

Give it to the Good will

What do you do with Norton Antivirus Software 2005? Throw it away?norten

Pitch it out.
here is a really cool , and fun thing to do with those old cd-roms .. take a coffee mug upright , and place in middle of microwave

put cd-rom flat centered over cup like a lid , with the shiny surface of the cd-rom face up ..

turn on the microwave for 6 seconds (no more then this) watch the pretty fireworks in the microwave as the metal in the cd-rom is burned

the arching you see is from the metals contained in the rom's surface that the computer burns onto .. wait about 30 seconds before trying to pick it up as it may be hot. look closely at the pretty cd-rom art you made.

each disk is like a snow flake no two will be alike
find if your friends need that..
If you have the disc, log onto Norton's website and ask them if you download the disc, will u get updates immediately. If not, toss it. Norton will send u a new updated disc because they make their $$ on subscription service, not on the info on the discs.
No offense but Norton sucks. My friend used to have it and there was still things wrong with it after he had run the virus scan. When he bought another sofware there was 52 viruses that Norton did even pick up. I think you should get rid of both.
You can sell it on eBay, but if you feel uncomfortable selling it, you can send it to me, and I can sell it and give you a eBay user ID is coldice101 just to check me out if you're not so sure...

or you can donate it i think at a nearby electronic store.
Do what I do, play frisbee with your dog! No, I'm kidding. You can install it on another computer, and still get all the updates and everything.
If you're looking to give it away. you're more than welcome to try %26 use freecycle. If you're looking to sell it. I would say craigslist.

The Craigs List is a chicago link. However, you can select what ever city you need to accomidate you.

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